Miss Alli: Day 1 - on my way out the door with Harper for a product shoot today.
Miss Alli: Day 2 of Self Portrait Summer 2009: - My "summertime" hair! Hey, I like being blonde...so?
Miss Alli: Day 3 - Tiffany and I today at our second shoot of the day. She's the best assistant ever.
Miss Alli: Day 4
Miss Alli: Day 5 - Harper is almost 3, but he has the vocabulary of a teenage girl. Thanks for nothin, big sisters...
Miss Alli: Day 6 - Cheetah Scarf.
Miss Alli: Day 7 - You ever have one of those days...? Today is one of those days.
Miss Alli: Day 8 - Sonic is my baby daddy
Miss Alli: Day 9 - It's been raining every day for 12 days straight. Is this June? Seriously?