Miss Alli: and I'm honored to be so
Miss Alli: my sweet, sweet 15.9999 year old
Miss Alli: and you call me mother...
Miss Alli: 15 years and 358 days old
Miss Alli: and I truly remember every second of the day you were born...
Miss Alli: ...I still see that tiny baby who kept my gaze for hours on end
Miss Alli: while I will never get used to watching you walk away
Miss Alli: and he can only blame himself for missing your Big Day, and you UNDERSTAND that.
Miss Alli: even when you're in prayer, you still wear your ruby slippers...
Miss Alli: for you...peaceful retreats are found even in the coldest and most cruel situations of life
Miss Alli: You're always talking about how you wish you were an 80's movie star
Miss Alli: Tiffany, there are a million little things about you I love, and if you'll sit still for a minute, I'll tell you a few ...