Miss Alli: flower cart
Miss Alli: Betsy Johnson collection that I adore at Disney Vault 28
Miss Alli: Tiffany fighting with Lego dude
Miss Alli: Asking that lego dude "why, I ask???"
Miss Alli: Small World Flowers in a shop called Disney Vault 28 - Downtown Disney
Miss Alli: Evil Stepmother Queen Pic @ Disney Vault 28
Miss Alli: This fountain scared the poop out of Harper, we have no idea why
Miss Alli: Genie was taking a picture of me too
Miss Alli: See tiny Tiff?
Miss Alli: Cute round Piglets and Eeyores
Miss Alli: Sweet chandelier at Disney Vault 28
Miss Alli: Another sweet chandelier at Disney Vault 28
Miss Alli: Daddy put stickers on his face, he's not too crazy about them
Miss Alli: Kobe sliders
Miss Alli: Kobe beef sliders, salad and fries. Any better than that? Hmm???
Miss Alli: Daddy put stickers on his face, he's not too crazy about them
Miss Alli: Daddy put stickers on his face, he's not too crazy about them
Miss Alli: Harper totally chillin in his stroller on the way back to the car
Miss Alli: Harper loves Buzz Lightyear
Miss Alli: Kids meal paper menu/car
Miss Alli: Kids meal paper menu/car
Miss Alli: harper loves cheetos and watching birds
Miss Alli: the more he touches the stickers, the more he realizes he can't get them off...oh to be so naive
Miss Alli: harper loves cheetos and watching birds bw
Miss Alli: stamens