cassiecsmith: The mountains/hills practically run right into the beach.
cassiecsmith: Beautiful Coast
cassiecsmith: Mom thought it would be cold at Point Reyes since it was cold at Bodega Head.
cassiecsmith: Conifers at the beach!
cassiecsmith: Path to the beach.
cassiecsmith: Meandering brook.
cassiecsmith: And yet the animals can take what they want...
cassiecsmith: I love NoCal's biodiversity along the western part of the state. The coastline up here amazes me.
cassiecsmith: A thistle?
cassiecsmith: Anyone who'd want to get into that freezing cold water is crazy anyway.
cassiecsmith: Walking trail
cassiecsmith: I saw a seal at the beach! Sadly, didn't have my camera on me.
cassiecsmith: Being arty.
cassiecsmith: It was pointless trying to wear shoes in that sand.
cassiecsmith: Gorgeous.
cassiecsmith: We left our picnic wrapped up in two jackets and within 30 seconds of leaving our stuff, this gull came to investigate.
cassiecsmith: Trying to get in my bag.
cassiecsmith: Busted
cassiecsmith: More arty-ness
cassiecsmith: Trying to eat a tortilla chip. Caught him in a rough moment.
cassiecsmith: Take off
cassiecsmith: Pulling my shoe off the log
cassiecsmith: Cormorant?
cassiecsmith: DSC_0089