otherthings: IMG_4124
otherthings: point of failure
otherthings: box stitch practice
otherthings: box stitch practice
otherthings: Body front (D1)
otherthings: box stitch
otherthings: umm, kinda sorta box stitch
otherthings: reinforcement layer (hope it helps!)
otherthings: box stitch webbing
otherthings: box stitch webbing
otherthings: nudibranch head, front and back
otherthings: spanish shawl nudibranch
otherthings: IMG_4255
otherthings: IMG_4260
otherthings: IMG_4261
otherthings: IMG_4262
otherthings: IMG_4263
otherthings: IMG_4265
otherthings: IMG_4267
otherthings: IMG_4268
otherthings: IMG_4269
otherthings: MVIMG_20181031_085653
otherthings: MVIMG_20181031_085653_2
otherthings: MVIMG_20181031_085656
otherthings: IMG_20181031_192118
otherthings: Fringe quilting detail