otherthings: inside Belmont tunnel
otherthings: inside Belmont tunnel
otherthings: Amy and Robin in the tunnel
otherthings: Belmont substation building, 7/30/05
otherthings: Belmont substation interior 1
otherthings: Belmont substation interior 2
otherthings: REVOK
otherthings: chillin
otherthings: IMG_9095a
otherthings: NEVER
otherthings: VERT
otherthings: SONEK
otherthings: Amy's rock collection
otherthings: Belmont Art Park fragments
otherthings: Belmont paint fragment
otherthings: strange rock
otherthings: IMG_9146a
otherthings: CLOWNS
otherthings: IMG_9148a
otherthings: IMG_9152a
otherthings: IMG_9161a
otherthings: SKEGS
otherthings: IMG_9162a
otherthings: IMG_9157a
otherthings: Seventh Letter production and roll call
otherthings: IMG_9172a
otherthings: SPINE duck
otherthings: MANONE/SACRED basketball mural
otherthings: bball mural detail