Casey Hugelfink:
Toledo With Alcázar Fortress
Casey Hugelfink:
The River Tagus
Casey Hugelfink:
Toledo With River Tagus
Casey Hugelfink:
Alcántara Bridge
Casey Hugelfink:
Puerta del Sol
Casey Hugelfink:
narrow lane & church
Casey Hugelfink:
very narrow lane I
Casey Hugelfink:
very narrow lane II
Casey Hugelfink:
Sonnensegel I
Casey Hugelfink:
Sonnensegel II
Casey Hugelfink:
Sonnensegel III
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale & Papst-Konterfei
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale I
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale II
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale Portal I
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale Portal II
Casey Hugelfink:
Die waren bestimmt auch beim Sonisphere Festival!
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale III
Casey Hugelfink:
Kathedrale IV
Casey Hugelfink:
Toledo Lane
Casey Hugelfink:
Be careful! Don't touch!
Casey Hugelfink:
Casey Hugelfink:
Toledo exit
Casey Hugelfink:
The executioner. One of the moderate guys in here. Beware of the torturers...
Casey Hugelfink:
The Keyhole