yourfavorite: Self-portrait Retouch (before)
yourfavorite: Self-portrait Retouch (after)
yourfavorite: Self-portrait
yourfavorite: Self-Portrait with Paint
yourfavorite: Self-Portrait Wheelie
yourfavorite: Moustache May 09th
yourfavorite: Moustache May 10th
yourfavorite: Moustache May 18th
yourfavorite: Moustache May 25th
yourfavorite: Moustache May 29th
yourfavorite: Moustache May 31st
yourfavorite: Whiskerino Day #37
yourfavorite: Whiskerino Day #41
yourfavorite: Whiskerino Day #44
yourfavorite: Whiskerino Day #50
yourfavorite: Whiskerino Day #56
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #2 - OCD Confession #1 (Whiskerino Day #63)
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #3 - Up, Up, and Away (Whiskerino Day #64)
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #6 - Self Portrait - Outline #3 (Whiskerino Day #67)
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #10 - I Barely Made it Out Alive (Whiskerino Day #71)
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #32 - A New Toy
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #33 - Half Happy Half Sad Beard
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #39 - Glow Beard
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #47 - The Pose
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #49 - The Beard
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #57 - It's Raining Razors
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #121 - Moustache May Begins
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #123 - Moustache May the Third
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #134 - Lined Portrait
yourfavorite: IAYF 365 Day #138 - Polaroid Strobist Self Portrait