caseorganic: This site allows mobile users to sent up geolocated emergency beacons which can help in emergencies.
caseorganic: People can easily understand the meaning of this system, regardless of what language they understand.
caseorganic: The color used on this label has worn away in the sun and is no longer useful.
caseorganic: Use of bright yellow and bright blue directs foot traffic to where it needs to go
caseorganic: This sign tells users not to litter but offers no trash cans to dispose of waste.
caseorganic: Too many options and colors can disorient and prevent someone from finding what they need.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #badbehavior It's difficult for users to quickly understand escape routes under stress with tiny text and confusing diagrams.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #badfun Placement of flight board makes for hurt necks. Difficult to find one's flight when jetlagged and pressed for time.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodweb The Nest Learning Thermostat helps safe energy and money for households
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodweb This checkout counter app encourages users to purchase a tree at the end of their order.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodtouch This simple sturdy luggage tag easily identifies itself by shape and inviting text.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodlanguage CitizenM Hotel states it's social objective on the hotel itself.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodsound CitizenM Hotel in Amsterdam uses sound to welcome a visitor into the room and lead them to the video display
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodfun This giant treadmill outside of Amsterdam airport is an attention-catching display for supporting cancer research
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodfun This hotel sign, specifically made for kids, advertises a play room upstairs.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodlocation This sign was placed in front of a busy street to warn parents to watch their children
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodicons This simple lighted icon informs anyone where an exit is without worrying about language barriers.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodbehavior This lighted sign quickly shows visitors which classes are in session and prevents them from being disturbed.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodshape These simple paper folders are an easy way to get a cool drink in a public place
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodminimal Large signs on each trash can direct users to eliminate the correct form of trash for each receptacle
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodmobile This digital guide encourages visitors to have a fun time while walking the temple grounds.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #badinvitation This map at a South Korean hotel did not offer copies of itself, and had text far too small to read
caseorganic: #geoloqi #badlanguage This confusing sign at a Korean hotel invites visitors to read it, yet gives no useful information
caseorganic: #geoloqi #gooddirection This airport map of Amsterdam shows minutes between concourses, allowing visitors to easily estimate time.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodcolor The colors of this flyer attached to a business registry jump out at the reader, offering an alternative.
caseorganic: #geoloqi #goodinvitation This poster at the train station gives users alternate ways to buy tickets via text.