caseorganic: eComm and arconf Word Cloud - All Days
caseorganic: 3 Days of #eComm and #ARConf
caseorganic: Augmented Reality Group at eComm - Emerging Communications Conference
caseorganic: Twitter Stacked Graph - From 10:00Am-Noon AR Conference on 04/21/10
caseorganic: 3DAR makes Augmented Reality easy for mobile app developers.
caseorganic: Morning Sessions #arconf 4/21/10 8:30-10:30Am
caseorganic: haque :: design + research
caseorganic: Internal Document Storage Tags
caseorganic: Wordle Graph for Augmented Reality
caseorganic: Collaborative Reality
caseorganic: Wearable Displays: Application Gallery
caseorganic: Vehicle Displays: Overview
caseorganic: eComm Stacked Graph - Jonathan Rosenberg, Cullen, Dawn Nafus at eComm 11am-2Pm
caseorganic: Aaron Parecki, Amber Case, P. Mark Anderson and Josh Aller at eComm 2010
caseorganic: Albert Hwang's Business Card
caseorganic: At #eComm day one during lunch.
caseorganic: @aaronpk testing 3DAR Panoramic app at #eComm (while @pmark makes a video of it)
caseorganic: Testing 3DAR Panoramic app at #eComm
caseorganic: Testing 3DAR Panoramic app at #eComm
caseorganic: Topics in the Field of Augmented Reality
caseorganic: Volcanic Ash Has Cancelled Many Talks
caseorganic: Augmented Reality StreamGraph