caseorganic: The Structure and Function of Complex Networks
caseorganic: The Structure and Function of Complex Networks
caseorganic: The Structure and Function of Complex Networks
caseorganic: Social Network Illustration (1934).
caseorganic: structure-function-complex-networks.pdf
caseorganic: 5lbs. of Research
caseorganic: The Structure and Function of Complex Networks
caseorganic: Network Models - Random network, Scale-free network, Hierarchical network
caseorganic: Figure 3 | The origin of the scale-free topology and hubs in biological networks.
caseorganic: Topological robustness.
caseorganic: 3 Days of #eComm and #ARConf
caseorganic: Grid-group cultural theory
caseorganic: The problem is that the social networks we're creating online don't match the social networks we already have offline.
caseorganic: When we think about our behavior in public, it has always been bounded by where we are. Only people within a certain distance can see what we do. Now, this isn't strictly true.
caseorganic: Privacy is a process of boundary management. It's about controlling how much other people know about you.
caseorganic: Participation Architecture
caseorganic: This is how influence happens. We need to design things to support these interactions.
caseorganic: The Role of the Influencer is Overthought
caseorganic: Social networks don't necessarily create more connections, they just make our existing connections more visible.
caseorganic: A Social Software Pattern Language
caseorganic: 10 Days of Influence Tracked by Density of Responses
caseorganic: SPORC: Group Collaboration using Untrusted Cloud Resources
caseorganic: comment flow MIT media lab _ sociable media group dietmar offenhuber, judith donath
caseorganic: semaspace project homepage
caseorganic: Visualization Showcase - Semaspace
caseorganic: How Groups Split into Factions
caseorganic: Relationship Triangle.
caseorganic: Infectious Sociopatterns