garycascio: Raven DSC_0623
garycascio: Hummingbird; Santa Fe, NM
garycascio: Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens)
garycascio: Raven DSC_0656
garycascio: Red-shafted Flicker 2
garycascio: Red-tailed Hawk by the road2
garycascio: Hummingbird at Tererro Store10
garycascio: Cooper's Hawk
garycascio: Hummingbird at Tererro Store5
garycascio: Hummingbird; Santa Fe, NM
garycascio: Curve-billed Thrasher 4
garycascio: Cooper's Hawk (Juvenile) 174
garycascio: Western Bluebird 5
garycascio: Black Rosy-Finch DSC_5762
garycascio: A reflection?
garycascio: Cooper's Hawk (Juvenile)
garycascio: House Finch 1
garycascio: Los Lunas Burrowing Owl 9-16-16 (4)
garycascio: Hummingbird at Tererro Store16
garycascio: Hummingbird at Cat Mint
garycascio: Grand Canyon/Colorado River Trip 1985 Hummingbird Nest Saddle Canyon
garycascio: Young bird
garycascio: In Flight refueling
garycascio: Screech Owl_CAS9464
garycascio: DSC_4752
garycascio: Coopers Hawk DSC_2482
garycascio: A newcomer to the group
garycascio: Brown Pelicans in Flight at Point Loma Tidal Pools-2.jpg
garycascio: Northern Saw-whet Owl with mouse
garycascio: Hummingbird; Santa Fe, NM