Casastaff: Big floor mirrors anchor a space with low ceilings
Casastaff: Love this light detail in a basement
Casastaff: MDFs "Random" bookcase!
Casastaff: Awesome ceiling detail!
Casastaff: Vistosi and Bd Barcelona... a match made in heaven
Casastaff: Ceccotti looks fresh and modern in this contemporary setting
Casastaff: Crazy glass stair at DDC
Casastaff: Oh me oh my, Ingo Mauer! We love you
Casastaff: Swanky Edra looks sublime with lime!
Casastaff: Zanotta how we love thee
Casastaff: Katya contemplates the Derby chair by Zanotta
Casastaff: Hmmm glass or out?
Casastaff: Katya gives this an A+ for coolness
Casastaff: Ingo you dazzle us with your Campari light over Zanotta dining
Casastaff: Furiture jigsaw! Brilliant!
Casastaff: Terzani floats above Zanotta
Casastaff: IMG_0370
Casastaff: Tacchini lounge warms us up!
Casastaff: Tacchini poufs in marigold!
Casastaff: Wonky Wallpaper
Casastaff: Handy hooks?
Casastaff: IMG_0360
Casastaff: Nautical sea treasures or handmade lighting?
Casastaff: Flavor Paper! We are in love
Casastaff: Industrial lantern lights, shabby and chic for restaurants!
Casastaff: Gorgeous, Environmental, and poetic. AMAZING
Casastaff: Simply beautiful
Casastaff: IMG_0322
Casastaff: IMG_0318
Casastaff: Beautiful outdoor planters with wonderful scale