Send Chocolate: Auckland airport
Send Chocolate: Jon @ Auckland airport, en route to lca
Send Chocolate: Auckland aiport
Send Chocolate: gotta have money
Send Chocolate: sights & sounds of Auckland airport
Send Chocolate: must have coffee
Send Chocolate: "City of Sails"
Send Chocolate: hop on plane to Wellington
Send Chocolate: snacks on a plane
Send Chocolate: Do you mean exit?
Send Chocolate: It's blurry because I was walking fast
Send Chocolate: from airport to Wellington
Send Chocolate: scenery towards Wellington
Send Chocolate: hey, you're on the wrong side of the car!
Send Chocolate: Wellington bay
Send Chocolate: Wellington Bay
Send Chocolate: zoom, says the tree
Send Chocolate: driving into the city
Send Chocolate: Political activism is everywhere
Send Chocolate: U Stay...our home 'way from home
Send Chocolate: common area for U Stay
Send Chocolate: downtown Wellington
Send Chocolate: near the shopping district
Send Chocolate: on the way to breakfast
Send Chocolate: Old Bank building
Send Chocolate: to the left is the shopping!
Send Chocolate: Old Bank Shopping Arcade
Send Chocolate: breakfast, anyone?
Send Chocolate: how about the Big Breakfast?
Send Chocolate: near convention center