Send Chocolate: @laprimera and @houseofprince
Send Chocolate: look! evidence I was on the partyplane!
Send Chocolate: me in bathroom on plane
Send Chocolate: bloggy, bloggy, coffee
Send Chocolate: coffee and blogging, en route to BlogHer
Send Chocolate: @houseofprince, @overflowinbrain, @suebob
Send Chocolate: @justonemiss, @redlotusmama, @laprimera
Send Chocolate: my high-priced snack on the high-priced airline
Send Chocolate: another shot of our Hummer limo...oh yeah!
Send Chocolate: Party Plane, beeshes!
Send Chocolate: our ride from the airport
Send Chocolate: can of sardines
Send Chocolate: Chicago, in the rain
Send Chocolate: dinner at Chicago Burger
Send Chocolate: me and "sexy Lexy" in the very back of the Hummer limo
Send Chocolate: What do you get when you shove bloggers in a limo?
Send Chocolate: view from table, over the river
Send Chocolate: @Shash's shoes
Send Chocolate: @Shash and me
Send Chocolate: look ma, no hands!
Send Chocolate: I'm on the bicycle, I've got the blender on...I'm makin' milkshakes...
Send Chocolate: It's the Laundry Fairy! That's all
Send Chocolate: califmom drinking vodka
Send Chocolate: people at Blogher cocktail party
Send Chocolate: @akamonty with friend, Drew
Send Chocolate: Tara, Miss and Red Lotus Mama with Edward
Send Chocolate: Dark chocolate, baby!
Send Chocolate: Anissa and Megan
Send Chocolate: Whit and @TheBitchinWife
Send Chocolate: Lex and Anissa