cas_ks: Peleton coming along Bartels Rd
cas_ks: Lance & The Shack after signon
cas_ks: Lance & The Shack after signon
cas_ks: IMG_0198-1
cas_ks: Something amuses Radio Shack...
cas_ks: IMG_0189-1
cas_ks: Team Radioshack - Johan being interviewed
cas_ks: Radioshack Team presentation
cas_ks: Karsten Kroon - BMC
cas_ks: George Hincapie
cas_ks: George & Cadel at sign on
cas_ks: Cadel doesn't need his shades right now
cas_ks: Cadel signs on
cas_ks: Cadel signs on
cas_ks: Cadel signs on
cas_ks: 365.17 (World champ signs on)
cas_ks: IMG_0173-1
cas_ks: BMC meet Phil, Phil meet BMC
cas_ks: BMC team presentation
cas_ks: BMC team presentation
cas_ks: Tour Down Under girl
cas_ks: Omega Pharma Lotto sign on as BMC are announced
cas_ks: Omega Pharma Lotto sign on
cas_ks: Matty Lloyd and OPL boys at sign on
cas_ks: Omega Pharma Lotto sign on as BMC are announced
cas_ks: Omega Pharma Lotto sign on as BMC are announced
cas_ks: So Matty are you going to win it?
cas_ks: Greipel signs on
cas_ks: IMG_0144-1
cas_ks: IMG_0143-1