UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel - introduction to ROSE: Reduced tillage Organic System Experiment
UDel Carvel REC:
ROSE-reduced tillage organic system Experiment
UDel Carvel REC:
Orientation before the field tour
UDel Carvel REC:
Dr. William Curran, Penn State
UDel Carvel REC:
Bill Curran
UDel Carvel REC:
UD Organic and Sustainable Ag Field Tour
UDel Carvel REC:
UD Organic and Sustainable Ag Field Tour
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel and Ph.D. candidate Clair Keene, Penn State
UDel Carvel REC:
Taking questions and comments
UDel Carvel REC:
William S. Curran, Professor of Weed Science, Penn State
UDel Carvel REC:
Clair Keene, Penn State University
UDel Carvel REC:
Organic field tour stop
UDel Carvel REC:
ROSE - crop rotation
UDel Carvel REC:
How much cover crop biomass can we produce?
UDel Carvel REC:
UDel Carvel REC:
UD Organic and Sustainable Ag Field Tour
UDel Carvel REC:
Examining corn rotation
UDel Carvel REC:
UD Organic and Sustainable Ag Field Tour
UDel Carvel REC:
UD Organic and Sustainable Ag Field Tour
UDel Carvel REC:
All plots for this 3-year, 3-crop rotation are marked by signage
UDel Carvel REC:
Field tour
UDel Carvel REC:
Weed control in orgranic crops
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware discusses experience with crop rotation
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel, ROSE
UDel Carvel REC:
Stop at Organic field tour Carvel Research & Education Center
UDel Carvel REC:
Outdoor classroom/agronomic tour stop
UDel Carvel REC:
UD Organic and Sustainable Ag Field Tour
UDel Carvel REC:
Agronomic tour stop UDel organic
UDel Carvel REC:
No till weed management with cover crops
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel discusses results with organic grower