UDel Carvel REC:
Herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed in lima beans
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel, center, introduces a lima bean field in Greenwood, Del., as an example of the challenge a grower faces with herbicide-resistant weeds
UDel Carvel REC:
UDel Carvel REC:
Portion of field infested with herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed
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Difference is clear. Left, smooth pigweed is not controlled. Right, it is.
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Herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed in lima bean field
UDel Carvel REC:
Donnie Calhoun, left, with Mark VanGessel, right.
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Herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed (redroot pigweed)
UDel Carvel REC:
David Pyne, DDA; Donnie Calhoun; Angela Paez, EPA-Pa.
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Luke McConnell, Agronomist
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Donnie Calhoun, Shawnee Farms, at a field near Greenwood
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Donn Shilling, UGA
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Smooth pigweed (redroot pigweed)
UDel Carvel REC:
Tour of EPA staff from Office of Pesticide Programs
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Herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed can be seen growing tall in the background
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