UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel
UDel Carvel REC:
Texas Panicum
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel with noxious weed Texas Panicum
UDel Carvel REC:
Texas Panicum
UDel Carvel REC:
Texas Panicum
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Texas Panicum
UDel Carvel REC:
A soybean field with Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth in a field.
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel holds Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel hand harvests Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Seed head of Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Seed head of Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel holds Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Distinctive white mark on Palmer Amaranth leaves
UDel Carvel REC:
Mark VanGessel with Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Palmer Amaranth leaves
UDel Carvel REC:
Field infested with Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
White mark visible on Palmer Amaranth leaf
UDel Carvel REC:
White mark visible on Palmer Amaranth leaf
UDel Carvel REC:
White mark on Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
White mark on Palmer Amaranth
UDel Carvel REC:
Pencil used as scale for a smaller- seed producing Palmer Amaranth