UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4926
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4925
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4927
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4929
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4930
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4936
UDel Carvel REC: Gordon bramble
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4939
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4946
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4948
UDel Carvel REC: Gordon grabs a cane of Raspberries. Note no gloves! This variety is sans thorns!
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4951
UDel Carvel REC: UDel Extension Entemologist Joanne Whalen talkes about the spotted-winged Drosophila that is presenting itself as a serious pest for some fruits and brambles
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4934
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4954
UDel Carvel REC: Emmalea Ernest's primary research is on Lima beans and is a renown Lima Bean Breeder
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4958
UDel Carvel REC: UDel variety trials of pole beans
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4960
UDel Carvel REC: Gordon readies his presntation on onions
UDel Carvel REC: Fruit and Vegetable Specialist Gordon Johnson
UDel Carvel REC: Gordon Johnson uses a size guide to demonstrate the variety of marketable onions
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4963
UDel Carvel REC: Gordon Johnson holds up a storage onion
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4974
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4975
UDel Carvel REC: The walking tour visits the onion area
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4985
UDel Carvel REC: DSC_4986
UDel Carvel REC: Arrays of red and green, lettuce trials are conducted in spring and fall.