UDel Carvel REC: Palmer amaranth weed
UDel Carvel REC: Center piviot irrigation towers
UDel Carvel REC: Emmalea Ernest takes a break from Lima bean trials to inspect 44 varieties of lettuce grown on the research farm.
UDel Carvel REC: A view of the Carvel Research & Education Center from Asbury Road
UDel Carvel REC: Palmer Aramanth. If you see it pull it out. One weed plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds
UDel Carvel REC: Center Piviot Irrigation Sussex County Delaware
UDel Carvel REC: Palmer amaranth, pulled before going to seed
UDel Carvel REC: Lettuce variety 1581 Calshot with its neighbor, a soon-to-be pulled Palmer amaranth weed
UDel Carvel REC: Cherokee lettuce
UDel Carvel REC: 44 Lettuce varieties are currently being grown at the Thurman Adams Research Farm in Georgetown.
UDel Carvel REC: Palmer amaranth. Some, not all leaves are marked with milky white spots. The weed is resistant to glyphosate. One weed plant can produce half a million seeds.
UDel Carvel REC: The shapes of Delaware agriculture against a blue sky
UDel Carvel REC: Four irrigation towers await duty in Georgetown Delaware
UDel Carvel REC: Shadows and sun dance on a Georgetown farm house roof
UDel Carvel REC: A bird (center right) perches on a center piviot irrigation tower in Georgetown, Delaware
UDel Carvel REC: Emmalea Ernest inspects a research plot of pea trials
UDel Carvel REC: Known for her research on Lima beans, Emmalea Ernest takes a break and inspects 44 varieties of lettuce
UDel Carvel REC: Emmalea Ernest checks the progress of 44 varieties of lettuce in Georgetown