UDel Carvel REC: Our retirees, staff, farm guys and interns were all invited to attend our first annual Ice Cream Social!
UDel Carvel REC: Ashley Adams stands before the banner she created! Thanks Ashley!
UDel Carvel REC: Michele, Barb and Sharon
UDel Carvel REC: Centerpieces made from assorted candy and marshmallow toppings!
UDel Carvel REC: Setting up the ice cream shoppe!
UDel Carvel REC: Ice cream theme centerpieces
UDel Carvel REC: A banner we plan to re-use often!!!
UDel Carvel REC: Soon there will be dishes with the real thing in them!
UDel Carvel REC: Ice cream theme-centerpieces
UDel Carvel REC: Setting up the ice cream shoppe!
UDel Carvel REC: Featured flavors
UDel Carvel REC: We think there is something here for everyone!
UDel Carvel REC: Something crunchy, something sweet!
UDel Carvel REC: and even more!
UDel Carvel REC: Topings galore!
UDel Carvel REC: ice cream themed centerpieces
UDel Carvel REC: Creating a Victorian theme
UDel Carvel REC: Table Centerpieces with old fashioned malt glasses
UDel Carvel REC: Featuring UDairy Creamery Ice Cream
UDel Carvel REC: All kinds of sprinkles!
UDel Carvel REC: It isn't a sundae without the option of hot fudge!
UDel Carvel REC: Wet nuts went fast
UDel Carvel REC: Sharon gets ready for scooping detail!
UDel Carvel REC: Debbie and Sharon
UDel Carvel REC: Debbie works part time at Carvel
UDel Carvel REC: Debbie and Sharon
UDel Carvel REC: Debbie and Sharon
UDel Carvel REC: Can we do this every week?
UDel Carvel REC: Something for everybody
UDel Carvel REC: Michele, Barbara and Sharon get ready for the crowds!