UDel Carvel REC: new mowers1
UDel Carvel REC: new mowers2_1
UDel Carvel REC: Best mowers in the world1
UDel Carvel REC: Best mowers in the world
UDel Carvel REC: _Morris_
UDel Carvel REC: Surprise
UDel Carvel REC: shiny and new
UDel Carvel REC: The Reveal
UDel Carvel REC: Checking out the merchandise
UDel Carvel REC: Dale is ready to mow
UDel Carvel REC: Morris the happy mower
UDel Carvel REC: Morris 3
UDel Carvel REC: Now everything is equal_
UDel Carvel REC: Who is going to do the best job now_
UDel Carvel REC: group shot
UDel Carvel REC: Morris 4