Center for Cartoon Studies:
Jen runs home, Andy is ready
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Batttttterr up!
Center for Cartoon Studies:
James, Randall and Nomi tense up
Center for Cartoon Studies:
The fans
Center for Cartoon Studies:
A beautiful Vermont day!
Center for Cartoon Studies:
James points a la Babe Ruth
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Our fearless leader, James Sturm
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Tim takes over
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Sliding home
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Brandon nails it
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Everybody step back!
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Matt chunks it
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Barefoot Katie
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Students and friends
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Bailey will make contact
Center for Cartoon Studies:
BBQ time
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Bryan on the Grill
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Monty shows off
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Cartoony Convos
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Text power
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Helmet with stickers!
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Too cool for school? Nah.
Center for Cartoon Studies:
CCS Softball Helmet
Center for Cartoon Studies:
Look at those stickers!