paul spud taylor: Mat Leave
paul spud taylor: paper beans
paul spud taylor: Life of Luxury
paul spud taylor: Chinese journey
paul spud taylor: board table
paul spud taylor: all outsourced
paul spud taylor: low value
paul spud taylor: Finance Duel
paul spud taylor: its a Black Hole
paul spud taylor: Black Hole II
paul spud taylor: Sell your assets
paul spud taylor: big numbers
paul spud taylor: Risk Taker
paul spud taylor: small banking
paul spud taylor: Big Wreath
paul spud taylor: Add interest to an auditor
paul spud taylor: New strategy
paul spud taylor: Kung Fu Fighting
paul spud taylor: Finances Take
paul spud taylor: Very thorough corporate sponsorship
paul spud taylor: Houston, guess what
paul spud taylor: I've worked very hard on this Roger, and as you can clearly see...the numbers do stack up.
paul spud taylor: Get Jenkins back in here...these numbers just don't stack up!