cih94: 9 million bicycles in beijing
cih94: tired
cih94: selling food
cih94: are you hungry?
cih94: many people
cih94: mao is watching you
cih94: national day
cih94: colorful temple
cih94: dude in beijing
cih94: 紫禁城从上面 - forbidden city from above
cih94: 北海公园 - beijing beihei park
cih94: 紫禁城 - forbidden city
cih94: 人群在紫禁城 - crowds in the forbidden city
cih94: 屋顶紫禁城 - fancy roof
cih94: 旅游团 - travelling in a group
cih94: 天坛 - temple of heaven
cih94: 反射 - channel reflections
cih94: 颐和园 - the Summer Palace
cih94: 北京夜生活 - nightlife in beijing
cih94: 两座桥 - two bridges
cih94: 巡逻兵 - patrouille
cih94: 北京歌剧 - beijing opera