10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Gaoua market on New Years Day [bc2263e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Gaoua market on New Years Day [bc2638e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Gaoua market on New Years Day
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Gaoua market on New Years Day
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Soumbala catch the sun
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Soumbala catch the sun [bc0839]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Gaoua market on New Years Day
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
The birds of the village - rooster and hut II
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
The birds of the village - rooster and hut I
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Lobi children - girl with new hairdo and crucifix [bc1973e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
The birds of the village
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Lobi children - four boys contemplate [bc0777e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Portrait with hose
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
"I told him I was looking to buy a jerry can...and now..."
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Watercolour [bc2282e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Pots, credits or grain, it's how I make my living (BF) [bc0169]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Bringing the wares
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
The Manega Museum: Kassena compound
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Peulh / Fulani style hut
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Bringing the wares
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Burkinabe cuisine: Tô (millet paste) with beef sauce, soupe de pintade (Guineafowl) and a local beer [bc0281e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Pale blue and orange
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
In earnest discussion (BF) [bc2076e]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Burkinabe life - oil drums and dishes
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Still life
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Burkinabe landscapes - with a spare roof
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
Mobile phone and internet point (BF) [bc0153]
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
The modern - drinking water and coolers
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting):
The "Essence" of Burkina - Shell station