@Carson: Obligatory Autumn Shot
@Carson: Epic lens flare
@Carson: foggy morning
@Carson: blowing and snowing
@Carson: hillpipebarnsilos
@Carson: where I was last week
@Carson: waterscape
@Carson: symmetrical sunrise
@Carson: golden morning
@Carson: the photographer
@Carson: morning flare
@Carson: dappled hill
@Carson: Diablo Lake, Washington
@Carson: Sunrise at Turnbull
@Carson: the prarie
@Carson: Flocked
@Carson: Sunset on Greenbluff
@Carson: Sunday Drive
@Carson: The middle of nowhere, north central Washington state.
@Carson: Along the North Cascade Highway
@Carson: Methow Valley
@Carson: Snowy Backyard
@Carson: (16/365)
@Carson: (18/365)
@Carson: (21/365)