carsandkites: DSC_5038
carsandkites: DSC_5046
carsandkites: DSC_5047
carsandkites: DSC_5056
carsandkites: DSC_5060
carsandkites: DSC_5061
carsandkites: 20200322-0814-Yard IR-2
carsandkites: 20200412-1202-Byrd paark IR-1
carsandkites: 20200518-1545-IR macro wet flowers-21_01
carsandkites: 20200518-1545-IR macro wet flowers-21
carsandkites: 20200518-1544-IR macro wet flowers-20
carsandkites: 20200518-1543-IR macro wet flowers-13
carsandkites: 20200518-1541-IR macro wet flowers-5
carsandkites: DSC_5516
carsandkites: DSC_5517
carsandkites: DSC_5518
carsandkites: DSC_5520
carsandkites: DSC_5930
carsandkites: DSC_5938
carsandkites: DSC_5945
carsandkites: DSC_5953_01
carsandkites: DSC_5957
carsandkites: DSC_5969
carsandkites: DSC_5972
carsandkites: Richmond Skyline
carsandkites: IR sept star trail_01
carsandkites: IR startrail 200 iso
carsandkites: Below the guns on the James
carsandkites: IR star trails
carsandkites: Osprey Trail