Rodents rule: Whisky has a nap
Rodents rule: Whisky
Rodents rule: Whisky in the garden
Rodents rule: Whisky relaxed
Rodents rule: Whisky, annoyed
Rodents rule: Sunbathing Whisky
Rodents rule: Curled-up Whisky
Rodents rule: Whisky plays
Rodents rule: Disruptive
Rodents rule: Tennis
Rodents rule: Whisky
Rodents rule: Whisky, half-inverted
Rodents rule: Whisky asleep
Rodents rule: Whisky cleans his claws
Rodents rule: Whisky peers
Rodents rule: Whisky and the squirrel
Rodents rule: Whisky asleep in a favourite spot
Rodents rule: Squash
Rodents rule: Long squash
Rodents rule: Window-gazing
Rodents rule: Whisky looking out for the cat burglar
Rodents rule: Whisky ignoring mouse
Rodents rule: Whisky plays with mouse
Rodents rule: Scowling cat
Rodents rule: 3. Catnip gone. Drugs effective
Rodents rule: 2. Catnip mostly gone. Need more
Rodents rule: 1. Nibbling at the catnip
Rodents rule: Whisky
Rodents rule: Whisky