TomC: Fearless Kate
TomC: Getting ready to enter the Zoo
TomC: Kate, Colleen and the Hippo
TomC: Finally something smaller than Me!
TomC: The 3 girls at the fountain
TomC: Pose # 2
TomC: Looking out into the Zoo
TomC: My little Ground Squirrels
TomC: They love Fountains
TomC: Colleen doing her Elephant imitation
TomC: The girls lined up
TomC: Traffic on the Bridge
TomC: Kate loves Fountains
TomC: Growing and Growing
TomC: My two girls
TomC: Colleen and the Hippo
TomC: Fun on a Fall Day
TomC: Kate and Colleen at the kids petting zoo
TomC: Lions, Tigers, and Snakes Oh My!
TomC: So Cute!
TomC: Colleen waiting to go to the Zoo