Because it wouldn't be morning without the Rear Window routine. (I think he's still getting more spots. Weird.)
"These stairs are *seriously shrinking*, Mistress. We are now down to me fitting ONE LEG up. At this rate, I'll have to find some other place to sit and stare balefully at my dog dish." #dogstagram
"Mistress says I really don't need it, but people nag us when I don't wear a coat in the cold. I just think it makes me look - what's the word? - SISSIFIED. Sheesh."
"Something made a noise! Could have been a car door, but COULD HAVE BEEN YETI. I think I'll whine a lot, just to be safe. I know you appreciate that." #dogstagram
Vintage 27-year old telescope, which was mine. Mom sent it for Sam, boxed with a pamphlet ("1985 Guide to the Heavens! Halley's Comet is Coming!"). Taking bets on whether it works?
"I FINDED A FISHY ON MY WALK." ::cough cough:: "Pardon me. What I meant to say was that I happened to FINDED A FISHY - oh, darn it all."
"Whiiiiine. WHIIIIIIIINE. WhimPERRRRRR. Hate wind. Feet cold. Wait, why are we going home?! Not done walking!"
"I know I have to be patient; Master does important work. As long as he's home and I can be near him, I'll be okay for now. Totally jumping on him when he stands up, though."
"This is how you humans choose an Alpha? It's nothing more than a barking contest...and I don't hear much barking worth mention."
"I just want to make it perfectly clear: there's no need to keep asking whether I'm a 'good boy.' Not only am I that, I am the *epitome*. 'Good boy'? I'm a 'Great Boy.'"
"0600: Reporting for duty. No SSS (Suspicious Squirrel Sightings) as of yet, but I am prepared for all hostiles." #dogstagram
"How COULD you?! You shut the bathroom DOOR! I looked and I looked and I scratched and whimpered and you were GONE! Please don't ever do that again."
"I'm sorry, I just don't get this whole 'getting up at different times' thing. You and Junior Master One have been up since 6; why are Master and JM Two still not here? More to the point, why CAN'T I go scratch and whine at their doors? Somebody should...