Ryan Brenizer: Got you!
Ryan Brenizer: Watching
Ryan Brenizer: Fubuki and Zadignose line up the shot
Ryan Brenizer: Chelsea Pier
Ryan Brenizer: LarimdaMe and Hbomb47 @ Half King
Ryan Brenizer: Candlelight, many times over
Ryan Brenizer: Fubuki shows off the Video iPod
Ryan Brenizer: The group
Ryan Brenizer: The ever-photogenic Ingrid
Ryan Brenizer: Fubuki through Moufle's 50mm AIS
Ryan Brenizer: Ingrid has a hella nice view…
Ryan Brenizer: Hbomb47, Joe Cool
Ryan Brenizer: Moufle shoots for the stars
Ryan Brenizer: Fubuki ponders his next shot.