Caro's Lines: Ahh....
Caro's Lines: Puppies asleep
Caro's Lines: Smile please!
Caro's Lines: First day with us
Caro's Lines: Teasel on the "human bean bag"
Caro's Lines: Teasel and her favourite "toy" - a carrot
Caro's Lines: Dog tired
Caro's Lines: Hello, my name is Teasel
Caro's Lines: Just what do you want me to do now?
Caro's Lines: Miniature Schnauzer with her Schnozz enhancer
Caro's Lines: Teasel greeting Buddha
Caro's Lines: Teasel checking out Buddha
Caro's Lines: Quizzical head angle
Caro's Lines: Can I eat it?
Caro's Lines: What's this?
Caro's Lines: What fun!
Caro's Lines: She is getting bigger every day!
Caro's Lines: Don't Shoot The Dog!
Caro's Lines: Look into my eyes....
Caro's Lines: The Black Dog of Woofington
Caro's Lines: Going for a walk!
Caro's Lines: Cat and Dog
Caro's Lines: Sitting on command
Caro's Lines: Teasel meets an older Miniature Schnauzer
Caro's Lines: Teasel gets to grips with a gorilla in her basket...
Caro's Lines: Strange sleeping postion
Caro's Lines: Play Biting
Caro's Lines: Teasel looking cute...
Caro's Lines: Who is sleeping in my bed?
Caro's Lines: No room!