Caroline Castendijk: be sure to paint with vivid colors if that's all you got!
Caroline Castendijk: Scharloo also
Caroline Castendijk: miss Scharloo
Caroline Castendijk: proud lady!
Caroline Castendijk: green green grass of home
Caroline Castendijk: a little fairy tale
Caroline Castendijk: on the front porch
Caroline Castendijk: perfect imperfection
Caroline Castendijk: hot tin roof
Caroline Castendijk: wonderful decay
Caroline Castendijk: a morning stroll in Scharloo (again)
Caroline Castendijk: obligatory mailbox as from April 1 on every house!
Caroline Castendijk: BBQ is on tonight....
Caroline Castendijk: you don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first step.....
Caroline Castendijk: rain has its advantages....
Caroline Castendijk: love the crispy sound when the wind blows and these seeds move to and fro, hanging from the tree @ dushi Korsou