carolynfrisbie: DSC00603
carolynfrisbie: Underwater snorkeling DSC01877
carolynfrisbie: Celebrating the 4th of July! IMG_2270
carolynfrisbie: As mad as a hatter. IMG_3208
carolynfrisbie: 4215 fall with fb over hip1
carolynfrisbie: 4213 fall with fb over back
carolynfrisbie: 4212 fall with fb over head
carolynfrisbie: 4730c getting in on the mix
carolynfrisbie: linemen c 4898
carolynfrisbie: linemen holding line for QB 4904
carolynfrisbie: 4842 Feet, feet and more feet
carolynfrisbie: 0304 kicking ball pointing right
carolynfrisbie: cody-in-convert-sun-flare
carolynfrisbie: 7213 crop 8 jul jumping
carolynfrisbie: 8886 what's with the little ball
carolynfrisbie: IMG_0447c Oops, the ball is popped out.
carolynfrisbie: 0689 #25 Running with the ball.
carolynfrisbie: 1823 team sticks up