CarolynBob: Paraguay, parts 7a, b
CarolynBob: We arrive at Defensores del Chaco NP
CarolynBob: Our home for 3 nights (Madrejón, NP headquarters)
CarolynBob: Aldo lugs in our drinking water
CarolynBob: We have to sweep our rooms (CM)
CarolynBob: Beat our mattresses (CM)
CarolynBob: And make our beds (CM)
CarolynBob: Colene checks the bird books (AD)
CarolynBob: Dina & Carolyn, beer in hand, climb up
CarolynBob: to see the sunset
CarolynBob: A beautiful sunset
CarolynBob: Arthur gives advice on fixing generator
CarolynBob: Aldo cooks dinner by lamp light
CarolynBob: Eventually electricity is on
CarolynBob: Table set for a meal at Defensores
CarolynBob: A nasty looking bug
CarolynBob: And it's big!
CarolynBob: Frog on the toilet seat
CarolynBob: Frog on the wall
CarolynBob: Frog in Paul's hand
CarolynBob: Underside of that frog
CarolynBob: Probably rococo toad (Rhinella schniederi)
CarolynBob: It rained
CarolynBob: Man-made "pond" for water source (pipe at left)
CarolynBob: Seldom-used airstrip
CarolynBob: Carolyn & Bob in Rick Steves' ponchos (CM)
CarolynBob: Busy ants
CarolynBob: Giant ant hill
CarolynBob: Chaco habitat is low, dense, and thorny
CarolynBob: Cactus