Carolyn: Changi Airport in Singapore is great: a rooftop pool, a butterfly house, a koi pond and free internet everywhere.
Carolyn: There was even a woodblock printing station.
Carolyn: The card catalogue at the Theosophical Society library in Chennai.
Carolyn: The library was empty but for two women working at old-style school desks.
Carolyn: Humidity is wreaking havoc with their collection.
Carolyn: Madame Blatavsky looks bored. We wandered through the grounds looking for the tree under which Krishnamurti addressed 3000 followers. The tree is gone.
Carolyn: In India, I noticed that people are very assiduous about keeping their calendars up-to-date.
Carolyn: The library brought to mind school libraries. I'd expected it to be busier.
Carolyn: We were shown their museum room. These were the first palm leaf books we saw.
Carolyn: It wasn't clear if these books contained prophecies.
Carolyn: A tiny Lord's Prayer.
Carolyn: Lisa alerted our guide that the Hebrew text was upside down.
Carolyn: Hand-painted signs everywhere. Our auto-rickshaw driver thought it strange that I took this photo.
Carolyn: The Tara Books workshop.
Carolyn: These screenprints are for their book 'The Night Life of Trees.'
Carolyn: The craftsmen are fast printers. They live at the workshop, commune-style.
Carolyn: The drying racks were stacked head-high.
Carolyn: C. Arumugam, with their Grafo press.
Carolyn: His motto is "Nothing is impossible." The press looks to be a Heidelberg Windmill replica.
Carolyn: The day I arrived in Chennai was Ayudha Puja, a festival honouring tools and conveyances. Taxis, trucks and rickshaws are festooned with flower garlands. The press is marked with tilak.
Carolyn: I'm embarrassed to admit that I mistook the tilak for paan spit at first.
Carolyn: The strap on Lisa's new bag broke in Pondicherry. A roadside shoemaker fixed it.
Carolyn: Boys selling fairy floss rang brass bells. The fairy floss was intensely fluorescent.
Carolyn: The elephant outside the temple in Pondicherry.
Carolyn: I noticed stalls selling rope on our first day in Chennai. Soon I started noticing insane scaffolding, held together with rope.
Carolyn: We came across this small market in Pondicherry.
Carolyn: We were hoping to see the French influences on the food in Pondicherry, but we couldn't really tell.
Carolyn: It was strange to see apples at the markets.
Carolyn: It was the middle of the day.
Carolyn: This man wanted his photo taken with a tiny goat carcass, testicles still attached.