caroltlw (on hiatus): Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo lineatus) [Explored]
caroltlw (on hiatus): Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo lineatus)
caroltlw (on hiatus): Slow and Steady
caroltlw (on hiatus): Modern Dinosaur
caroltlw (on hiatus): Red-tailed Hawk (buteo jamaicensis)
caroltlw (on hiatus): Cested Caracara (caracara cheriway)
caroltlw (on hiatus): Cested Caracara (caracara cheriway)
caroltlw (on hiatus): Laughing Kookaburra (dacelo novaeguineae)
caroltlw (on hiatus): Straw-Colored Fruit Bats - napping
caroltlw (on hiatus): Straw-Colored Fruit Bats
caroltlw (on hiatus): I'm not quite dead yet...
caroltlw (on hiatus): Here's Looking at You
caroltlw (on hiatus): Hyacinth Macaw
caroltlw (on hiatus): Blue and Gold Macaw
caroltlw (on hiatus): Mmmmm... leaves...
caroltlw (on hiatus): Radiated Tortoise
caroltlw (on hiatus): Paradise Shelduck ~ female
caroltlw (on hiatus): Rainbow Lorikeet
caroltlw (on hiatus): Bird of Paradise
caroltlw (on hiatus): Staghorn Fern ~ Color