CarolPGH: Autumnal St Mary's
CarolPGH: Ignoring Danny Boy
CarolPGH: Cloud porn
CarolPGH: Through the window
CarolPGH: Rowan and old man's beard
CarolPGH: Autumnal Fine Lady
CarolPGH: Fallen gargoyle
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CarolPGH: 2017-09-06_Ban_web-1437
CarolPGH: Why the long faces?
CarolPGH: Approaching East Midlands Airport
CarolPGH: Time to go home
CarolPGH: Bubba's Bar
CarolPGH: The Post Office
CarolPGH: Finding the shade
CarolPGH: Castillo Monumento Colomares
CarolPGH: At the top of the hill
CarolPGH: Castillo Monumento Colomares
CarolPGH: Benalmadena
CarolPGH: Benalmadena side street
CarolPGH: Single paeony
CarolPGH: Squirrel lunch time
CarolPGH: Looking up
CarolPGH: Ne'er cast a clout
CarolPGH: Horse chestnut blossom
CarolPGH: Time to go home
CarolPGH: Wisteria in White Lion Walk
CarolPGH: 27/30 Giant poppy
CarolPGH: The end of the rainbow..
CarolPGH: 26/30 April weather