CarolPGH: Sambhara 1/31
CarolPGH: Scouting next weekend's wedding location
CarolPGH: 3/31 Someone's having a bad day
CarolPGH: On the way home
CarolPGH: 5/31 The old Town Hall in Banbury
CarolPGH: 6/31 Many a true word...
CarolPGH: King of the cat tree
CarolPGH: 7/31 First dance kiss
CarolPGH: Cloud porn
CarolPGH: Ignoring Danny Boy
CarolPGH: Autumnal St Mary's
CarolPGH: Wedditing
CarolPGH: Time for a treat
CarolPGH: Peace, love and a pint of Weston's Old Rosie
CarolPGH: A 360° pano of the interior of Worcester cathedral.
CarolPGH: 17/31 The fair is here
CarolPGH: Evergreen and gold
CarolPGH: Thomas the Tank
CarolPGH: Day 20/31 - knitting
CarolPGH: 22/31 Berry berry red
CarolPGH: 23/31 Ladies who lunch
CarolPGH: 24/31 No time for photography
CarolPGH: 26/31 Tired Ted
CarolPGH: 27/31 Sunset
CarolPGH: Fall From Glory 28/31
CarolPGH: 29/31 Golden hour
CarolPGH: 30/31 Last minute Clyde
CarolPGH: 31/31 Chandelier
CarolPGH: 25/31 Early morning light
CarolPGH: October 2017 mosaic