CarolPGH: Street party on the sports field
CarolPGH: Presentation
CarolPGH: Pouring a beer
CarolPGH: They asked for "Dancing Queen"
CarolPGH: Clearing the field
CarolPGH: Every picture tells a story
CarolPGH: Mystery carving
CarolPGH: The start of the walk
CarolPGH: 2/31 Doctors Lane and across the fields to Canons Ashby
CarolPGH: Through the window
CarolPGH: Classic cars
CarolPGH: Country crafts with Bert
CarolPGH: The rush for the bottle stall...
CarolPGH: Our guest, William Sitwell, trying out the attractions
CarolPGH: William Sitwell - opening our village fete
CarolPGH: William Sitwell - opening fete speech
CarolPGH: It can't be a village fete with afternoon tea...
CarolPGH: Auld Molly from the Mummers getting an early outing?
CarolPGH: Classic car
CarolPGH: A vintage Ford Tourer
CarolPGH: Fun run
CarolPGH: Social distancing monitor
CarolPGH: Porsche
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CarolPGH: Ford
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CarolPGH: Oboe recital
CarolPGH: A socially distanced Christmas Eve concert