CarolPGH: Rooters Classic Rock
CarolPGH: Rooters
CarolPGH: Roger, bassist with the Rooters
CarolPGH: Rooters
CarolPGH: Rooters
CarolPGH: Lead singer of the Rooters at the Wharf, Fenny Compton
CarolPGH: Playing with smoke
CarolPGH: John
CarolPGH: Happy Roger
CarolPGH: Rooters
CarolPGH: 10/30 Rocking Rooters
CarolPGH: A not so quiet pint
CarolPGH: Neil
CarolPGH: Roger the Rooter
CarolPGH: Roger and Neil of the Rooters
CarolPGH: Mock concentration
CarolPGH: Neil
CarolPGH: Roger
CarolPGH: The Rooters
CarolPGH: 2016-01-04_Rtrs_web-7457
CarolPGH: Lighting man
CarolPGH: Mine's a pint
CarolPGH: Neil
CarolPGH: Out of puff
CarolPGH: Roger and Neil
CarolPGH: Rooters - walkabout time