CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-1949
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-1983
CarolPGH: Henry
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-2052
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-2062
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-2089
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-2179
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_MK_web-2299
CarolPGH: Henry - who posed and smiled all day
CarolPGH: Juan Camus, singing the song he wrote for the appeal
CarolPGH: Henry
CarolPGH: Raising money for Henry
CarolPGH: Jamie and Jethro (aka Alonestar)
CarolPGH: Dancing on the ceiling
CarolPGH: Mister Vee and Jamie Stimpson
CarolPGH: Registration
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6296
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6314
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6336
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6348
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6357
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6376
CarolPGH: Pete Winkelman (owner of the MK Dons) with one of the team photographers
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CarolPGH: 10-day old Emily with her mother - the youngest person there
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6418
CarolPGH: Jamie - working the crowd
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6444
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6452
CarolPGH: IMG_Henry_Onesie-6457