CarolPGH: Sam Kelly's Station House
CarolPGH: Carrera Drums - stage set up
CarolPGH: Sam Kelly
CarolPGH: Tony Qunta playing with Sam Kelly & Friends at Ealing Blues Festival
CarolPGH: Rowena Poole - guesting with Sam Kelly and Friends at the Ealing Blues Festival
CarolPGH: Rowena Poole - guesting with Sam Kelly & Friends at Ealing Blues Festival
CarolPGH: A quiet moment
CarolPGH: IMG_web_Ealing Blues_SK-1488
CarolPGH: Jimmy Lindsay
CarolPGH: Jerome
CarolPGH: Paul
CarolPGH: Spy and Paul
CarolPGH: Lally
CarolPGH: The many faces of Sam
CarolPGH: Geoff Achison
CarolPGH: IMG_web_Sam_TowLive-5310
CarolPGH: Spy - with his 5-string bass
CarolPGH: Tony Qunta
CarolPGH: Geoff Achison
CarolPGH: Geoff and Sam
CarolPGH: Dark Spy
CarolPGH: Geoff
CarolPGH: Spy the Bass
CarolPGH: Spy's 5 string bass
CarolPGH: Jerome
CarolPGH: Paul
CarolPGH: Jerome
CarolPGH: Sam and Spy
CarolPGH: Tony