CarolPGH: Plan B....
CarolPGH: Bicycle Basket Bazaar Reflections
CarolPGH: Bliss
CarolPGH: I think I'll hide behind this...
CarolPGH: My favourite vampire
CarolPGH: IMG_6727
CarolPGH: G*b-smacked
CarolPGH: Dramatic 2
CarolPGH: Dave at the craft fair
CarolPGH: Oh we do like to be beside the seaside
CarolPGH: Let's do the time warp again...
CarolPGH: Man and apple pie (or... anticipation and enjoyment)
CarolPGH: Andy and Stuart..
CarolPGH: Testing the Lights...
CarolPGH: A kiss for Santa
CarolPGH: I lent my camera to Tony to take one of us
CarolPGH: Old rockers never fade away...
CarolPGH: I wonder if there's something to eat in there...
CarolPGH: Why is he waiting?
CarolPGH: Can't even have a beer in peace...
CarolPGH: Sugar rush
CarolPGH: Happy on holiday
CarolPGH: Light test
CarolPGH: Champagne birthday celebrations - continued
CarolPGH: The perfect pasty?
CarolPGH: Dave and the donkey
CarolPGH: Crowd reflection
CarolPGH: Hilite background test
CarolPGH: Concert selfie
CarolPGH: Gis a chip...