carol miag: Bear junior in red elevator
carol miag: An Ewok
carol miag: Hello, master!
carol miag: Now.
carol miag: Dessert
carol miag: Dessert: you must DESERVE.
carol miag: Inside and out.
carol miag: For you, Morrissey, with love.
carol miag: Cat accepting loyalty vow.
carol miag: Me in the coolest WC ever.
carol miag: Who's your boss?
carol miag: Me, baby. ME.
carol miag: Cat surrendering to me powerful geezing gaze.
carol miag: Super heroes
carol miag: A fridge.
carol miag: Polisel doing her craft.
carol miag: IMG_0283
carol miag: IMG_0282
carol miag: Ernesto
carol miag: Couvert
carol miag: Red elevator with Ernesto and Juliana [too bad she doesn't like showing]