Carols Daughter: blyh vs. Dawn, Starr Model Agency, and Lah Dee Da doll torso
Carols Daughter: blyh vs. middie blythe torso comparison
Carols Daughter: mattel dolls and blyh torso comparison
Carols Daughter: Tildy meets her sister
Carols Daughter: another blyh, first look
Carols Daughter: Tildy says I has the big hairs
Carols Daughter: pink poof heads
Carols Daughter: Blyh first look
Carols Daughter: Blyh first look
Carols Daughter: Tildy got a dress yesterday afterall
Carols Daughter: let my people go!
Carols Daughter: here at last are the new people
Carols Daughter: new blyhs
Carols Daughter: dolly shelf sunday
Carols Daughter: january 31, 18 dolls