Carols Daughter: jan32012
Carols Daughter: jan42012
Carols Daughter: jan202012
Carols Daughter: Nimue and Aurora
Carols Daughter: Aurora and Nimue
Carols Daughter: Nimue and Aurora
Carols Daughter: Aurora and Nimue are home!
Carols Daughter: My sweet milky robot sisters
Carols Daughter: I have the crochet illness
Carols Daughter: Aurora and Nimue in new dresses
Carols Daughter: jan152012
Carols Daughter: teaparty
Carols Daughter: morning tea
Carols Daughter: morning tea
Carols Daughter: Nimue and Aurora are toasty
Carols Daughter: are you kidding me??
Carols Daughter: Nimue's light turquoise eyes
Carols Daughter: Nimue's lids
Carols Daughter: why why why?
Carols Daughter: babes in the woods
Carols Daughter: Nimue and Petal
Carols Daughter: Nimue got new eyechips this morning
Carols Daughter: my milkyrobot sisters
Carols Daughter: Nimue's eyechips
Carols Daughter: Aurora and Nimue
Carols Daughter: dolly shelf sunday
Carols Daughter: dolly shelf sunday
Carols Daughter: my milkyrobot girls, 5/365
Carols Daughter: 33/365, something I meant to do yesterday