Carol Lee Beckx: Chinese Vase #Inktober #1 Cachet Studio sketchbook
Carol Lee Beckx: Seed Pod #inkTober 2nd October
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 3 #inkTober Seed pod ink in Cachet Studio sketchbook - Platinum Carbon pen.
Carol Lee Beckx: Combining two challenges today -Day 4 #inkTober and Sktchy's #WAXma - inspired by the Japanese concept 'Ma' the spaces in between. I used the humble black ballpoint for this portrait.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 5 #InkTober Pear Noodlers Operation Overlord ink in Cachet studio sketchbook
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 6 #InkTober - another Sktchy portrait.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 7 #InkTober pine cones
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 8 #InkTober
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 9 #inkTober and another Sktchy portrait.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 10 #InkTober. One of the artists who attend classes brought these lovely lilies from her garden. Noodlers Operation Overlord ink, italic calligraphy nib.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 10 #InkTober. One of the artists who attend classes brought these lovely lilies from her garden. Noodlers Operation Overlord ink, italic calligraphy nib.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 11 #inkTober - love this ink! Thanks to Dan for collecting these leaves for me.Noodlers Operation Overlord ink in Cachet Studio sketchbook.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 12 #InkTober Strawberries in a porcelain teacup. #ink
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 13 #InkTober More strawberries
Carol Lee Beckx: Latrobe Terrace, Paddington Brisbane from a shady bench on the corner of Bernard Street and Latrobe Terrace. #inkTober Day 16 #InKTober2015 #ink #sketch #Alpha sketchbook
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 15 #InKTober2015 #InkTober #inkwash #ink #Sktchy
Carol Lee Beckx: Looking across the Brisbane River - tall tower under construction, then the huge tree later from Cafe Bistro at GoMA. Ink in Alpha sketchbook
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 20 #InkTober Geranium Pink Geraniums. De Artramentis Fuchia document ink #ink #flowers
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 21 #InkTober View from QuaGoma across the river.
Carol Lee Beckx: Day 24 #InkTober Sonflowers in ink on Arches Hot Press